SARS-CoV-2 heeft er mee voor gezorgd dat ik veel
internationale symposia en tal van medico-legale lezingen kan bijwonen. Afgelopen weekend heb ik opnieuw mijn forensische kennis uitgebreid. Een bloemlezing uit het tweedaagse programma van het NAME symposium:
- Accidental deaths involving trees: professional and non-professional woodcutting and tree failures with autopsy findings
- A case of dismemberment using a circular saw
- Characteristics of deaths with evidence of pathological hoarding
- Death due to electrocution from fractal wood burning
- Determination of force required to produce stab wounds in cadaveric chest tissues
- Flexion-distraction fracture resulting from shaken baby syndrome
- Medicolegal death investigation of railroad-related fatalities
- NAME toxicology Committee presents: looking ahead to toxicology in 2021
- Neck injuries and other findings in pediatric homicide cases versus controls : an institutional case series
- Novel evaluation of submandibular salivary gland tissue for use as an alternative postmortem toxicology specimen
- Positional asphyxia in opioid-related deaths: is it being overlooked?
- Testing for Barium before you bury ‘em
- The expanding role of biomechanics in forensic pathology
Photo credit: Houman Khosrozadeh on Visual Hunt / CC BY-NC
Photo credit: Morgue Maestros by MaxMerz / CC BY-NC 2.0